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Hello and welcome to the World Wrestling Federation Entertainment



Hello and welcome to the World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Fantasy Wrestling page.  This is a website that will be for the soul purpose of having the enjoyment of reliving some of the WWF's now WWE's greatest moments in history.  This is a website that is strictly for the purpose of entertaining you the fans.  Who have grown up watching a great past time, just like I have and for you to enjoy this great form of entertainment, that we call Professional Wrestling.  For a great part of my child hood I watched the superstars of the 80's and the 90's, and I still believe it was the best era of all the era's that have ever gone down in the history of Pro Wrestling.  That was when wrestling was known to alot of us as a sport, and not just sports entertainment. Today I still watch the WWE but, I always enjoy it when I see a legend try to make a comeback. 


Now what is the purpose of this site, well #1 it's to give you the fans a chance to be heard, I am the one who will be typing up all the storylines and outcomes that go down here in World Wrestling Federation Entertainment. 

Have you sometimes wondered what the 80's and 90's era would have been like had certain personalities such as "HBK" Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Razor Ramon, 123 Kid, Ken Shamrock, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, & The Rock, had been there.

What if  Wrestle Mania 1 was not a Tag Team main event with Mr. T and Hulk Hogan (VS) Paul Orndorff & Rowdy Roddy Piper.

Well that is what this website is for, I am going to deliver to you all those what if situations, that did not happen, that could have happened.  I am going to get right down and into the whole situation.  I am going to get so into it, that you will not know what to expect next.  When I give the questions that you think you have all the answers to. That is where I will change the questions on you.

My motto is this, always EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED, you never know who may show up, or what may go down in  World Wrestling Federation Entertainment.





